
Sunday, June 21, 2009

An Interesting Two Weeks

Since the book was "publicly" launched on Facebook by my daughter, I have had lots of interest and have actually sold some copies. I checked the stats on my website the other day and apparently there have been over 500 "views" of my website in June so far. That seems so strange to me because I wonder who is viewing it and where are they hearing about it. I think so far it's all from Facebook (has to be). The other day a good friend got a note on Facebook that some friend of hers was raving about MY book. Talk about the six degrees of separation!!

The other fantastic news I got this week was from Dan -- my favourite nephew-in-law (he's the better half of my eldest niece Alexandra). Dan manages the "Bookshelf" in Guelph, Ontario and he told me he will take some copies of the book and display them in his store. He also has two people lined up to read the book and write a review. I'll be shipping to him this week!

Other than book news, I've been missing my husband this week who has been away in Toronto taking more training for his Commando Krav Maga - I know, I know, it sounds strange (but it fits in with his martial arts world -- check it out on his website

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The news it out!

Well apparently the news is out! My daughter (bless her), launched my book on facebook the marketing begins. I actually have some sales from that launch -- looking forward to many more. I know it's going to be a good week. I'm in Quebec City (for my "regular" job), in a beautiful room overlooking the river in one of the nicest hotels in the world (Chateau Frontenac).

Happy reading to everyone who buys my book! Autographed copies are on their way!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Printed Copies Have Arrived

This week my books arrived from First Choice Books in Victoria, B.C. They look fabulous and I'm pretty pleased. I have one on my bedside table to look at and I've been falling asleep with a smile on my face.

The book is also now published in electronic format on - for those who like to read on the computer or a hand-held device. The cost to purchase electronically will be $3.99. Check it out at

My website is up and running Special thanks to Jordan D'Amico who designed it and made it "work". Printed copies of the book can be ordered through the website ($16.99 U.S./Cdn.).

June 6 (tomorrow) is the anniversary of D-Day and the landing of the allies in Normandy. I'm feeling akin to that date as everything has come together this week after six months of my quest to self-publish the book. It's long overdue as the book was written 13 years ago.

Lots more to do -- local bookstores to visit, publicize the website, etc., etc.

I'm feeling the pressure is off (somewhat) and hope to spend the weekend writing. Yours truly is about half way through the second novel in the Kate Monahan series and I had some great ideas this week -- while sitting in the chair at the dentist's on Monday, with the drill screaming, I had some time to think and a few "light bulbs" went off!