
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm thissssss close

The e-proofs for both books have been reviewed by me and sent back to iUniverse. There were very few errors in either books, with the majority being mine, all mine. And yes, you guessed right - I found a whole bunch more of those pesky problems like missing words, spelling mistakes, etc. HUGE SIGH. Hopefully there aren't that many left.

I sent everything back to iUniverse last Friday and Saturday and yesterday I received the cover proofs for Artificial Intentions, with all changes made. By the way, the covers for both books are fantastic. The graphics people at iUniverse took Jordan's artwork and used his lay-out, photos and ideas to the max! So, the credit goes to number one son (again) for the covers!

Tonight I received the revised text for Artificial Intentions, which I checked and sent back with one last minor correction to be made. Now they do the printer's layout and get the book to market. Can't wait, but I guess I'll have to (not sure how much longer it will be).

Still waiting for the proofs for OPTIONS which is being handled by another design team. I'm not as anxious for it because I can't wait to hold my new book in my hands!

iUniverse is doing a great job!

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